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Chinese translation for "assigning tasks"


Related Translations:
assign green:  分配进绿组
assigning operator:  赋值运算符
assigned agent:  指定代理人
assigned state:  赋值状态
assign item:  分配项目
assign red:  分配进红组
assigned controllers:  指定控制器
time assigned:  时间分配的
assigned band:  指配频带
assigning work:  分配工作
Example Sentences:
1.The team leader has assigned tasks to all the groups .
2.We must supervise and speed up the fulfilment of assigned tasks .
3.In this example , 256 workers are assigned tasks
在此示例中, 256个工作线程分配有任务。
4.Completes all assigned tasks in a timely and accurate manner
5.Displays resources that have completed all of their assigned tasks
6.Teamassign , which is used to assign tasks to workgroup members
7.A list of resources showing assigned tasks grouped under each resource
8.Use microsoft project to break down and assign tasks and track progress
使用microsoft project可以细分和指派任务以及跟踪进度。
9.Members went through the recommendations and assigned tasks to respective parties
10.To introduce test standards , to check and assign tasks to test and measurement technicians
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